Thursday, June 30, 2011

063011: Turning over a new leaf...

So I'm a firm believer in if at first you don't succeed try, try again.  In fact, when Ray tells me he can't do something, like find Benjamin, I tell him to keep trying.  So as I was giving my blog a facelift, I told myself, "Self, its time.  You fell off, but there is no reason to stay off."  And in true Ray 'n' Ry's mom fashion, I need to kick it off with a little video:

This is us in our purest form.  No professional angles, or even tripod for that matter. No makeup, no rehearsed lines and no model house home.  This is just us......Here's to that new leaf.  Yay!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

062111: Where do I begin, again?

Obviously I've been M.I.A. for a while.  And although I've had tons of reasons, who are we kidding, you don't want to hear about all that.  So I figured I'll move on to what we are currently doing.

Summer is finally here!!!  Yay, kind of.  I'll explain.  We couldn't wait to have good weather.  I mean for Mother's day, which in times past has been bbq'ing weather, it was overcast and threatened rain.  And it continued to be like this until a couple of weeks ago.  So yay, summer is here and we love it, but....... now its too hot.  Ahhh, Northern Californians are never satisfied with the weather.  But here is what we've been doing to stay cool:

Now although my goal of blogging every single day has gone to the wayside.  My working out everyday has been pretty good.  Granted its not in the conventional way of going to the gym or running 5 miles a day, but I've been running and walking with the kids.  And I'm pleased to say I can actually get into some of my clothes pre-babies and still sit down comfortably and breathe.

I've also been keeping busy with my sewing.  I recently finished up with a client on her window seat and cushions.  

She is a world traveler and purchased this beautiful fabric in Indonesia.  I want to go there sooooo bad now, just for fabric.  Well not just fabric, but its definitely a plus.

And I finished roman shades for my 'EatPrayLove' baby room.  (I apologize for the pic.  My camera did not have the flash :( )

In going with the India theme, its made with sari silk and the swag is in homage to how the women wear their saris

So I'm alive.  And still here, with less time for myself than ever.  But when I look at my babies, or as Ray likes to remind me, big kids, its worth it.

Ray 2 1/2 and Ry 1 1/2

Ray playing trains

Trying to pick flowers

Acting like they run the show

'A' and her friend playing French spies