Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Round 2...

K, so Raymond just lost Benjamin (his favorite bunny).  Fire out.  Here are 2 of the blankets I finished.


...the back is a minky fabric
And here is the other one:

...so 'Tinsley' has a minky back with fluffy edge

I'll post pics of the other blanket soon.  I'm making one of my preggy sister's here baby bedding set.  So when it's all complete, I'll show you. Although I have pictures of the other b-day party we went to, I'm kinda partied out.  So the last pictures I want to show you are of course of the babies and our trip to Target.  Now I know, Target does not seem picture worthy, but to me its hilarious.  

So at Target they have these massive carts and we never get to use one.  So Friday was our lucky day.  And the kids loved it.  It looks like they're on a roller coaster.  Ahhh,the joys of the simple things in life.  

I'm still here....

The Party Room...

The gift bags Raymond painted...

I don't do weird mustaches...

Singing Happy Birthday...

Blowing out the candles...


All of us...

Raymond chowing down on some B-day cake...

The after math...

Omigod!!!! I've been crazy busy.  So the last time I left you was before Raymond's 2 year old birthday party (which came out fantastic).  And within that time frame there was the planning for the party, the party, my first avon order (by the way I'm an avon girl), the delivery of avon, the completion of 3 blankets, the selling of one blanket and the attending of Raymond's cousin's birthday party. And in between all the that, regular life.  Phew!!! I'm exhausted just typing up that.  So I know it would seem like I have all the time in the world to do that, being a stay at home mommy, but I don't.  Anyhoo, today is another day.  So today is going to be more or less of a photo album from where I left off and where I am today.  Warning:  There is a lot of pictures.

Raymond in his Muno shirt

So one of my kids is crying for me, so I'll post the pics of the blankets later this evening.  But just know, I'm baaaaaccccckkkkk........

p.s. Sorry the pictures are kinda out of order

Monday, October 4, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba.....

So my son is, stop in his tracks obsessed and in love with the show 'Yo Gabba Gabba'.  And as crazy as this show first looks, let me tell you, this is my sanity.  When it is one of those days and I feel like my patience is gone and I think, "Omigod!  Just breathe."  I turn on 'Yo Gabba Gabba', and its like 'Awwwww (angels singing with harps kind of awwww)'.

Now if you haven't watched 'Yo Gabba Gabba' you really must.  First of all its very bright.  There's six main characters.  One is human named DJ Lance Rock.  And the other 5 are life sized puppets.  Plex is a robot, and Toudee I think is a cat.  I can't really tell.  Foofa is a pink creature.  Brobee is green and has a unibrow.  And Muno, Raymond's favorite, is, I think, a monster.  Its so bizarre, but at the same time really funky cute.

Anyhow, Raymond loves this show.  He is literally star struck when these characters come on screen.  He stops whatever he's doing, stares as if he hasn't seen it before (mind you all the episodes are repeats).  Slowly a smirk comes upon his face and he begins to dance and sing.  I love watching him watch this show.  I'll have to video it and upload it sometime.

 Anyway, Raymond is turning 2 in a few weeks (sniff, sniff) and his birthday party is a 'Yo Gabba Gabba' pizza birthday party.  Oh I forgot to mention, 'Yo Gabba Gabba' is like an indy version of  a kids show.  So even though you ask any toddler about yo gabba gabba and they go wild for it, you can't really get any merchandise.  So when I was started planning his birthday party, I was kind of racking my brain trying to figure out how to get Raymond a Yo Gabba Gabba tshirt from the show.  I figured I'd make Raymond a Muno shirt for his birthday.  Here it is ----------------------------------------------->>

Of course I'll show updated pics of him actually in it.  I showed it to him for the first time yesterday.  And immediately he says, "Yooooooo Gabba Gabba".  Right now I'm still the cool mom in his eyes.