Friday, September 10, 2010

Here we go......

So I have to completely admit that I have been entirely chicken about blogging.  You know, all the typical 'what if' questions popped up....what if I sound boring?  what if I have nothing to blog about?  what if know one relates to me? what if someone thinks what I have to say is stupid? what if.....what if....what if?  And the answer ladies (and gentlemen) is, YES to all of the above.   Cause the reality of it all is, there will be someone out there that will answer YES to one of those questions if not all.  BUT....there may be a few out there that answer NO.  And to those I say "Thank you"  and "Welcome".  

Anyhoo, a little about myself and why I decided to blog in the first place.  I'm a mom of 2 wonderful, adorable and very young kids.  My oldest is 21 months.  And my youngest is 7 months.  Thats right folks, your arithmetic serves you right, thats 14 months apart.  Now I know that I'm not the only one out there who has kids close in age.  And I also know that there are folks out there that your kids are even closer than mine.  So I figured, on those days when I feel like I'm the only one pulling out my hair.  I'll blog and keep some of that hair.  

Another reason why I wanted to start blogging, is because I have become a blog, for the lack of a better word, stalker.  Yes, I love to follow all of you stay at home moms out there who are creative, artsy fartsy, crafty, and extremely talented.  (And one working mom who is extremely talented in her own right (TAS)  So in a way this is homage to you all.

Well, I've finally jumped off the 'what if' cliff and into the blogging sea.  I still have the butterflies in my tummy, but here we go.......

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