Tuesday, March 29, 2011

032911: My 'Lifetime' Movie opening quote....

"I cannot play it by ear!!!!  We are not on a Hawaiian holiday.  This is my life!"

Dramatic enough for you?  Although the quote usually changes daily,  this one has been the running statement for the last month.  I figured my "Lifetime" or "Hallmark" movie will be for the most part light hearted (basically no battered women).  Lucy Liu will play me (She did a "Lifetime" movie already.  So its not asking too much.).  And my house will, at times, look like the cover of a Pottery Barn magazine.

So as dramatic as I am, "life" is good.  Just hectic.  

'A' started school today (Yay!!!!)  And she absolutely loved it!  She already made a few friends.  And even shared with them her gymnastic moves.

Ray is such a character and is getting super smart.  Which obviously keeps me on my toes.  He recently just discovered Disney Pixar's: The Incredibles (such a B-O-Y movie).

Ry just went through a growth spurt.  She is officially 29" tall.  So she can actually fit into some of her 12 month clothing.  And she's getting sassy.  Which right now, I think is adorable.  But I know I'll regret saying that when she's 12.  Her new thing is saying, in context, 'hi' and 'bye'.

So that's where we are.  Like I said, not on Hawaiian holiday.  But still pretty lovely.

1 comment:

  1. My love of "girl sassy" ended when Savanah Rose could articulate a well-thought out argument that punched a hole in one of her mother's loves and it's continued to be my most favorite/lease favorite of her traits. I so adore her ability to be herself - just wish sometimes she were a little more like me.
